
My name is Alex and I am a photographer born and raised in Irwin, PA. I consider Pittsburgh home. As a young kid my first obsession was with sports. I have always fancied myself as an athlete in training but truthfully I am not very athletic. Most of my childhood heroes are Pittsburgh athletes. My second obsession was with music. Luckily, my family is full of musical people and I have made many great musician friends. My community has taught me so much about myself in music. I try very hard to contribute, but it does not come naturally for me. Each note is a struggle. 

Photography as a passion came later for me. Summer 2014, after my senior year of high school, I had the idea that photography could be another thing to try. Something I could easily practice with resources I already had. It's a discipline to get lost in, something I could be fanatical about. 

My travels during my college years to Europe, Asia, and across the US functioned as a great training grounds. I felt inspired outside of my comfort zone. I applied my natural talent and fell in love with the process of photography. This lead to some work back home as a fashion and music photographer. I found myself to be artist and technician.

The world makes a little more sense through the lens of my camera. The images stay with me whereas the memories often do not.

Since 2022 I have been living thoughout the United States and working out of a travel trailer. I am currently in Santa Rosa, CA.

Thank you for taking the time to checkout my portfolio. Please feel free to reach out.

Alex Corrie